Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day Trip to Oil Creek

On May 19, I left the house early and headed to Oil Creek.  I arrived at about 9:00ish.  I rigged up real fast then headed to the special regs area near the parking lot.  Fish were rising.  I caught several browns and rainbows on dry flies before noon when things on top slowed down.  I re-rigged with a tandem nymph rig and began fishing subsurface.  I had a few fish on and off and decided to break for lunch and a trip to the fly shop.  After a pb&J sandwich I headed to the fly shop grabbed some flies and got some direction for a good place to set up for the sulpher hatch at dusk.  Then I headed to a spot in the middle of the park where I fished a few heavy runs and caught several rainbows nymphing.  I noticed some fish rising upstream and switched to a dry fly to fish the surface for risers.  I missed a couple of fish, and put a few others down before I left to drive down river to get in position for the sulpher hatch.  When I got there, there were anglers lined up almost shoulder to shoulder.  I walked down stream and found a spot to squeeze into.  The bugs started but never really got going strong.  Some fish were rising but not many.  I fished to two risers one to my ten o-clock the other to my twelve o-clock.  I stated with an emerger and a dun without any luck.  When I saw a spinner in the water I replaced the emerger with a rusty spinner.  I couldn’t buy a fish.  It was completely frustrating.  At about the same time it got too dark to see the fly, the fished seemed to shut down.  I got out the head lamp and began the long walk back to the car.  By the time I broke down my rod and packed up the car it was about 9:45 when I hit the road for home.  I was starving, I had a two hour ride to get home, and I still had to pack for the Vegas trip.  I was going to have to leave the house at 5:15am the next morning to get to the airport to catch the flight to Vegas.  It was going to be a long day, but it was so worth it!