I took an hour and went fishing before dinner last night. It was warm and humid out, about 82 and cloudy. The water was warm, above 80. Warm water usually means aggressively feeding fish. I really wanted to catch my first fish this summer on a popper. I fished a white popper without luck. Since I was short on time, I changed flies and went with a crayfish fly because they were pretty active. I must have seen more than a dozen crayfish dart under rocks as I walked trhough the stream. On the thrid cast with the crayfish fly, it got crushed by a big smallmouth. After a good fight and the obligatory picture, I let him go and continued to fish. I hooked one more smaller bass on the crayfish fly and then decided to switch to another popper now that I got the skunk off. I threw a yellow diver for a while, I had one fish nip at it and one follow that wouldn't commit. I walked down stream to another pool where a creek comes in and put a few casts through there before I had to go to meet my wife for dinner. I caught two good fish, but still haven't gotten one on the popper yet this year.