Tuesday, May 8, 2012


After my Constitutional Law exam I was mentally exhausted.  My brain felt like scrambled eggs.  There were three days between the Con. Law exam and the Civ. Pro. exam.  That sounds like a lot of time to study until I realized how much material I had to cover in three short days.  I had intended to begin studying for Civ. Pro. when I finished the  Con. Law exam.  I just didn’t have it in me.  It was 92 degrees out and sunny.  When I got home from the exam, the man cave was hot as hell.  I was in there for less than five minutes and I was already sweating.  There was only one thing I could do, I dropped the book bag, grabbed my rod and headed to the river to recharge the batteries.  The water was at spring steelhead flows, a little less than 300 CFS, and had some color to it.  I fished some big streamers to see if I could catch a monster bass.  After fishing through two pools with only one follow and no takes I switched it up.  I worked through a few more runs and pools without any takes.  It was about to leave for dinner, I had time enough to walk up stream and make a few more cast over a tailout that ALWAYS holds fish and fishes well from spring through fall.  By the time I got there and changed files I only had time for two or three casts.  On the third and last cast, I hooked into a respectable small mouth saving the day from the skunk.