The river was at about 700 CFS yesterday, it dropped into the 630s this morning. Normally, I would never go out and fish unless the river was below 600 and dropping fast. To make matters worse, there was a thunder storm this morning. I had a couple of hours this afternoon and it was sunny and about 80 degrees. I figured, what the hell, I'll give it a shot. I parked near a tributary that was high and looked like chocolate milk. Not a good sign. I jumped into my waders and headed for the confluence where this small trib enters the river. I hooked into a good sized fish on the first or second cast. I broke the steelhead skunk! I was thrilled. I had to back down the excitement and focus on landing the fish. It would be heart breaking to lose another steelhead. I followed the fish down river, its pulling hard, ripping line off the reel. I turned the fish into slower water where I got my first glance at it. An orange tail??? Damn! It was no steelhead I had been fighting for the last ten minutes, it was a carp. I was disappointed that it wasn't a steelhead, but it was a fine fish. This carp was pushing 36 inches and was as fat as a regulation NFL football! I couldn't get my hand all the way around its tail. It was not a bad catch even if I got sprayed by the steelhead skunk.
The diameter on this reel on this rod is 4.125"