The sucker spawn is in full swing. I fished a small trib the other day in hopes of catching a steelhead that has eluded me for far too long. There were hundreds of suckers in the creek. This little creek was flowing gin clear with a little color in the deeper holes while the main river was still chocolate milk. I found a few steelhead hiding in the riffles and in the deep holes. It was 80 degrees and sunny, the water was warm, 66-68 degrees I would guess. I was wading wet which is unheard of at this time of year. I drifted buggers, nuke eggs, and small nymphs at these fish. Every time I thought I hooked a steelhead, it turned out to be a sucker. Some were pretty good sized and pulled hard. I think the water was too warm for steelhead to actively feed. I did hook one steelhead. At first I thought I was snagged, then the snag moved! I put some pressure on the fish and it leaped out of the water several times and started running down river. The fish jumped one more time and I heard a loud SNAP! My leader came flying back at me and it was all over. I had this funny thought of what that steelhead would say if he could talk; it would have laughed at me and said SUCKER!