Monday, July 27, 2009
Ok... I went back to the same spot I fished most recently where I caught a lot of fish, all be it a lot of small fish. This time I arrived just before sundown and things were a lot different. As noted in my last entry, there were a ton of little bass and chubs. I expected much of the same, fast action and small fish. Today I only caught two fish, however they were very large fish for this river. The first was a small mouth, a very fat 14 incher. The second was a stocky rock bass that weighed more than the smallie despite being shorter in length. I caught the smallie on a cray fish pattern dead drifted through an eddy. I caught the rock bass on a bait fish pattern that I designed that has yet to be named. I didn't take the camera so I don't have pictures to share. These fish were caught in a stretch of stream less than 20 feet wide. It was a lot like trout fishing on a Colorado spring creek. These bass I caught in this small branch of the river were as big as any fish I have ever caught in the main channel of the river. Lesson of the day; smaller water does not always mean smaller fish! This is a great place to fish that does not get much angling pressure and it is less than a ten minute drive from my home. What more could a fly guy ask for?