Monday, July 13, 2009
Bewitching Hour
The last few times I've fished at sunset have been awesome! Being on the river at dusk has produced some of the best action I've seen all summer. Two days ago I was on the river all day. The day was slow, I caught a small shiner, and a rock bass. that was it for the whole day... Dusk settles in and I catch two bass and lose a third. I finally packed it in when it got too dark to see my line. I could have stayed, I was still getting strikes when I decided to leave. Tonight was just as hot. I hit the river at dusk and started fishing just as it started getting a little dark out. Things started slowly with a missed strike. Shortly after I missed that strike, I had a fish on. It was a respectable fish at about 13". I quickly release the first fish and make my next cast. Boom fish on! This fish jumped and fought hard. It was another nice fish about the same size as the first fish. I cast in the the same area I caught the first two fish and things get quiet for a moment. I decide to fish a spot where two currents come together and create a nice current break. On the third or forth cast I hook up, this is another good size fish I can tell as I bring it in. This was about a 14" fish. None of tonight's fish were as big as the fish I posted from Saturday- they were nice fish, but they weren't big enough to photograph. After I released the third fish, it was pretty dark and I had great catch so I decided to call it a night. I've fished at dawn, at dusk, and all through the day. I would say the morning is better than mid-day, and that dusk is the best time of day to catch bass. If you have to limit your time on the water, try to be there an hour before dark until an hour after dark. You will have the best fishing of the day at that time. Just remember your flash light for the walk out!