Monday, June 21, 2010

The week in review...

I have fished a few times since my last entry.  I went out last Sunday and fished the river for a couple of hours and then headed over to a local pond because the water was so muddy.  Right when I arrived I caught a smallmouth, it was a little dink.  I expected it to be decent since I caught a fish on the first cast.  It wasn’t.  I had about an hour or so left to fish so I headed over to this pond near my house.  I had never fished there before, but I had heard there were bass in that pond and there were.  I caught a decent largemouth near a weed bed.  I fished again one day after class.  I fished another pond nearby.  This was the first time I had fished there.  A buddy of mine had said he fished there for blue gill so that’s what I was targeting.  I caught several nice blue gill and was having a ball when, to my surprise, I caught a bass!  I took off the nymphs I was fishing and tied on a clouser.  I managed one more largemouth before it got dark.  The next time I got out was Friday morning before I went on a trip.  When I arrived there was mist rising off the water, the sun was peaking through the trees; it was beautiful out.  The river was much clearer than it had been all week.  I was hopping it would fish well and it did.  I caught a bunch of fish that day.  I managed several smallies, a few rock bass, creek chubs, and a rainbow trout!  There is no trout population in this river and the water gets too warm for trout to survive.  This fish should not have been there.  Catching this trout made my day.  I also caught a nice smallmouth on a popper.  The fish just came up from the depths and crushed the popper; the fish came all the way out of the water on the take.  I waited a moment then set the hook hard and the fight was on.  This was probably the biggest resident bass I’ve caught this season.  I caught several other fish, but these were the memorable ones.  It truly was an excellent morning on the river.  Sunday, when I got back from my trip, I went out to wet a line for a few minutes before Father’s Day festivities.  I had a really good afternoon on Sunday too.  I caught so many fish that I lost count.  Things began with a good sized carp (on a 5 wt rod).  I caught a bunch of smallies, some shiners and few rock bass.  The carp was the trophy fish of the day.  
                                         Largemouth from the weed bed
                                        A misty morning on the stream
                                   Trout!!!!!!!!!  It's not supposed to be there...
                                 Trout fishing for smallies, on a crayfish fly (same fish as above)
                                             Smallie on a popper
                                 Big carp + light rod = hell of a fight