We have had a record amount of rain this spring and the last few days have been no exception. Last night was the first evening it has not been raining so I grabbed the fly rod and headed out to fish. The rivers are all swollen from the vast amounts of rain so I headed for a nearby pond.
As I was walking along the bank I saw bass cruising along the bank. I decided not to cast to the cruising bass until it got a little closer to dark so I wouldn’t spook them. I began by fishing an area between a little island and the bank and started crushing the bass. I was catching a fish on every other cast, it was awesome! It was great, I was out fishing a guy using live bait and another who was throwing a spinner bait. You have to love the Clouser minnow!
As it got dark and I tied on a deer hair popper and started twitching it near the bank to entice those bass that I saw cruising along the bank earlier. The fish hit the popper with a violent predatory response that bass are legendary for. There is nothing like the way a bass destroys a popping bug, it is truly amazing.
I had several fish leap, jump and tail walk in an effort to throw the hook. Some were successful, most were not and were brought to hand. Several of the fish I caught were larger than average and a few of them would have been keepers in a Bass Master tournament.
It was a hell of first time out since I finished school.