School has taken almost all of my time away from fishing. When there is an opportunity to fish, I go fishing regardless. I had an opportunity to go fishing the other day, but I have a bad cold. This is the kind of cold that causes crazy sinus congestion and snot runs out of your nose. I felt crappy, but it was a beautiful sunny day, the catch was the temperature was in the low 30s. Being since and out in the cold didn’t seem like a great idea. I struggled with the decision, should I stay in and rest or go fishing? I looked at the flow gauge, it was at about 450 CFS and I called the fly shop to find that reports were coming in strong. I went fishing! I couldn’t help myself.
I went straight to a spot in the North Chagrin Reservation that has historically been a fishy spot in the early spring. Since the dam has come down and flood waters have receded things have changed a lot. There was sand in places where there never used to be before. You could see the high watermark form the flood, which was 20-30 feet from the bank in places. Sand was deposited in the woods along the river in the flood zone. You never see sand in the woods around here. It reminded me of Cape Cod.
The fishing was pretty good. I was out for about two hours and I was not disappointed. I hooked up with four fish and landed two of them. One was a fresh hen and the other was a hold over buck. Both fish came on egg patterns. The fish were holding in deeper water with slight current. The water has not warmed enough to move fish into spring holding locations.
It was a good short little outing, for a while there I forgot that I wasn’t feeling well. It was not until my nose got raw from the constant running and cold that I thought about having a cold. I got a good dose of chrome, the best medicine for this patient!
Two of these and call me in the morning
Just what the doctor ordered