I was up and on the road before the sun came up. My goal was to get to State College by no later than noon, drop of the rental, get my car and be fishing by 1:00pm. I arrived at Enterprise at 10:54. I had my car by 11:30. A quick stop at TCO to grab some flies and I was on my way to the creek. I was geared up and in the way by 12:15. Not bad, if I do say so myself.
I went to the same spot I had fished on Wednesday and Thursday of last week since I knew I’d find cooperative fish there. This spot is a hike from the access point so I don’t think these fish were exposed to the same intense angling pressure as the fish closer to the access point, especially with snow on the ground. It was clear that no other anglers had been there recently because there were no fresh tracks in the snow.
The air was cold, it was a between 24 and 29 degrees. I felt it drop after about an hour or so and put gloves on. Ice was an issue, forming on everything wet, the fly line, the guides, my waders, and net. The water temp was in the low 40s. The water was warm enough to melt the ice on the fly line and net, I would just dunk them as necessary. The fish were still finicky and selective, but they did not have lock jaw. I put a fish in the bag on the second or third cast, it was on! I worked my way up stream and picked off several more willing trout. I caught 8 trout and lost a few others. It was a pretty good afternoon on the creek. Not nearly as good as Wednesday or Thursday last week, but good enough to justify driving there and back yesterday.
First fish in the bag
Fish porn... some of the better fish of the day
The fish were really keyed in on the small stuff yesterday, this soft hackle was especially hot!
I took some random pictures on this trip. Kacie from VW State College, she helped me get my car fixed and got enterprise to reduce the price of my rental by half! She is Awesome!! The mountains surrounding State College. A couple of tractor-trailer trucks that had turned over and were abandoned on the side of the road (the picture did not come out well because the car was moving when I took it). I must have seen 4 or 5 of these. They had been there a while as they were covered in snow. I thought it was crazy to see these abandoned wrecks.
I did not enjoy spending 7-8 hours in the car yesterday, but the afternoon of fishing made the drive time well spent!! Hmm... maybe there will be future day trips to Spring Creek???
Thank you Kacie!
The mountains surrounding State College
Two tractor-trailer trucks on their side and abandoned... not the greatest picture, I know.