I fished yesterday after work. The Chagrin was really low and clear. I had no luck at all yesterday.
I fished the Grand this morning. I only fished for a couple of hours. I fished a fast run and found a nice pod of hungry fish. I had one fish on and off on the second or third cast. I continued to work this run and caught a nice "skipper". The way this fish hit the fly you would have thought it was twice its size. This run was giving up fish so I kept fishing it. I hooked into a nice female and she took off for the Lake! She took me right into my backing without effort. I see reports where this is said all the time, but I have never had a fish take me into the backing before. For me, this is a first; making this a memorable fish. She ran, jumped, and cartwheeled all over the place! She was the fish of the day for sure. I caught two other fish out of this run before I moved on. I also lost a nice big buck after a heck of fight which was a big disappointment. I went up river and fished another run with no hook ups. At that point I had to pack it up and head home. Most of the fish were chrome. Sucker spawn was the ticket today, in cream, pink, and cheese.
March Alaska Fish Madness: Fish-Tastic Four
5 days ago