I hit the rive rafter work this evening. I was there for about an hour and a half. In that time I hooked into 4 fish, 3 of them were confirmed steelhead. The unconfirmed fish threw the hook before I could get a look at it. The first fish was about 30" and was a hot, hot fish! It took me into the backing and leaped out of the water several times. It was a great fish. The other two steelhead were on the smaller end, one "skipper", and one average sized steelehead. Sadly, I didn't land any of them or I would have had pictures. The first fish threw the hook after a lengthy fight. The second steelhead was on and off (a bad hook set I believe), and the third steelhead broke off. It just wasn't my day. The thrill of hooking steel was well worth the time on the water. These were the first steelhead of the season for me and left me wanting more. it started raining as I was driving to dinner after fishing. I hope the rivers don't blow out overnight so I can head back out tomorrow