Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day Dreaming...

While I have been spending long hours in the law library preparing for finals next week, my mind inescapably drifts to fishing.  Between the rains, I know I have missed out on the best steelhead fishing of the season.  I am itching to get out there and hooking into some fresh chrome.  My day dreams started by thinking of fresh Ohio chrome and began to wander into thoughts of wild brook and brown trout.  Lately, I have been thinking about planning trips to places near and far.  Pennsylvania is so close and offers more trout fishing than I have time to pursue.  But then, my thoughts drift out West to places like Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho… even Alaska.  In the near term it will be PA, but hopefully I can plan a trip out West in the summer of 2012. 

Started thinking about catching chrome...

...then I started thinking about catching brook trout

...and these guys

I want to fish here...

...and I really want to plan a trip to places like this.

Daydreams are keeping me sane right now...